All of the lying-in women survived, including 7 cases of antepartum eclampsia, 43 cases of severe pre-eclampsia, 3 cases complicating placental abruption, 1 case of uterus-placenta apoplexy, 1 case of intracranial hemorrhage and 13 cases of postpartum hemorrhage. 产妇全部存活,产前子痫7例,产时子痫2例,产后子痫1例,重度子痫前期43例,并发胎盘早剥3例,子宫胎盘卒中1例,颅内出血1例,产后出血13例。
Conclusion The type of placenta, the parts of placental attachment and time of massive hemorrhage do not affect the amount of antepartum hemorrhage in patients with placenta previa. 结论前置胎盘产前大出血量不能以胎盘类型、胎盘附着位置及产前出血次数来预测。
The patient with central placenta previa who seldom occurred antepartum hemorrhage was complicated with placenta accreta; 很少发生产前出血的中央型前置胎盘多有胎盘植入;